Denver Zoning Update

It sounds like the approval to overhaul Denver's Zoning Code may be pushed back. This is a hot topic and stirs strong feelings. We are supportive of the overhaul and hope a solution is identified that everyone finds satisfactory. Here is an article with some of the details:

Spire, RiverClay, Sustainability, and Good Business

Here's an article on two exciting new condo projects in downtown Denver. One is a new high rise building that will add to the skyline and will be Denver's largest multi-family LEED Certified Building. The other was Denver's first LEED Certified Residential Project. Notice that Developer David Zucker is quoted as saying the additional costs on RiverClay added about 2%... that's very important because it proves that "Green" Design can still make good business sense. We're very glad to see both of these projects pave the way for smart, sustainable design. Take a look:

Trip to Chicago anyone?

The Sears Tower recently opened up a new tourist feature that caught our eye... and we wanted to share. Apparently they added four glass bays for visitors to walk out on and see a unique view of the city. All of the walls, the roof, and, most notably, the floor is made of glass. Take a look:,CST-FIN-roeder01.article#

Urban Issues

Here is an interesting article about the growth of cities that is relevant to Denver. It was written about an author named Jeb Brugmann who studied how different communities worked together to create a viable city and what it means if they fail. More specifically, he writes about local leaders working together to make a more sustainable, business friendly, exciting place to live. All of this reminds us of Denver's Downtown Area Plan [DAP]. Below are quotes from the article and from the DAP that use similar language... as well as links to websites for both.

"... alliances of political and civic leaders that assemble the political, financial and legal powers - and the will - to transform their cities, as he puts it, into "more equitable, ecological, stable and creative places."

Denver Area Plan:
"... a tool to help community leaders, decision makers, and citizens build upon Downtown's assets and guide... the community's vision of a livable, healthy, sustainable, and vibrant Downtown."

Simple Solutions

The economy has been tight for nearly a year now and many of the folks in our professional and social circles seem to be talking about what a great time it is to simplify. In design, we always look for ways to be smart about how we use space, spend the budget, and consume energy, etc, but now these ideas seem more poignant. So, we are sharing the short essay linked below because it articulates some of these ideas about simplifying. We hope you enjoy the article as much as we did.

Botanical Interests Corporate HQ

We at Venture would like to share the website for our newest client, Botanical Interests. A family owned company, they sell seeds for flowers and vegetable gardens with amazing varieties from around the world. You might recognize the distinctive packaging with unique and colorful art renderings of the product that each seed will produce. We are honored to have been selected for the remodel and addition of their corporate offices in Broomfield and encourage you to check out their website:

Landmark Preservation Seat

Today we learned at Denver Planning Board's last meeting, they unanimously nominated one of our partners, Martin Goldstein, to hold their seat on the Landmark Preservation Commission [LPC]. There are nine seats on the LPC total, with the other 8 held by a variety of relevant, experienced, and talented professionals. Currently Martin's nomination is being reviewed by the Mayor for a formal appointment, which would make the nomination successful.

For a little background on the LPC, Denver's website says:
  • Historic Preservation was established through the Denver Landmark Preservation Ordinance in 1967 in order to help preserve City history and character.
  • Over 47 Historic Districts have been established and over 300 structures have been landmarked.
  • Chapter 30 of Denver’s Revised Municipal Code requires that all proposed exterior alterations (including windows) to designated Landmark structures and structures in Landmark Districts requiring a building permit must be reviewed and approved by the Landmark Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of any Building or Zoning permit.
We are very excited about the possibility of Martin's appointment by the Mayor and for the opportunity to serve the Denver Community in this fashion. Martin and Venture's practice have included several interesting and challenging preservation projects. Protecting our architectural resources is an important ingredient to ensuring our city grows smart and successful.

Denver's New Zoning Code

The city's current zoning code is more than 50 years old. There have been numerous updates and modifications, but its surpassed its useful life. The new code is actually quite exciting since it focuses on modern life and current city wide plans for growth. Here is a quote from the website, which is really helpful and answers a lot of good questions. A link to the website is below the quote.

"The New Denver Zoning Code, a comprehensive rewrite, will support a growing economy, a sustainable environment, a diverse mix of housing, strong neighborhoods and a high quality of life."

Natural Sun-Light Fixtures

An interesting new product has come to our attention that we wanted to share. It's not something we have used on any of our projects yet, but we would like to in the future. The "Sundolier" is a new day lighting system that should be effective enough at reflecting actual sunlight onto the ceiling of a space that traditional lights can be turned off. Here is a link. We'll post our thoughts about this and other "green" products that both catch our eye and that are used in our client's projects.

Best City for Real Estate Deals... and 24th Largest Population

A few new comments in the news about Denver. On Monday, Forbes Magazine listed Denver as the Best City in America city for Real Estate Deals. Here is an excerpt citing why Denver listed so high. The link is below the quote:
"...Christopher Cornell, an economist at Moody's says. 'It [Denver] has better growth potential than most cities today.'

Cornell attributes Denver's stability to its main industries--energy and technology--that he says aren't likely to decline simultaneously. He also says its housing market didn't grow as much as in other parts of the country over the last five years. 'Little boom, little bust,' he says"

Also, today, Denver moved into the top 25 largest cities in America based on population. Here is a link to an article about that: