Venture Website Has New Project Pages

Visit the Venture Architecture website to see some of our recent work:  Venture Architecture Project Pages.  We are very excited to share these projects with you!

B's Ballpark Museum

Here are the latest photos from B's Ballpark Museum!  Venture Architecture re-designed an existing retail level condo in an 110 year-old warehouse in Denver's LoDo Historic District.  The space integrates a museum with a major collection of baseball park memorabilia and a new office suite for an accounting firm.  Stop by to see the Museum at 1940 Blake St. Check the B's Ballpark Museum website for info on the Museum's opening day!

New Denver Zoning Code Public Review Draft

The final draft of Denver's new Zoning Code was released to the public this week.  It can be found at www.NewCodeDenver.orgThe Denver Planning Board will hold a public hearing on February 17th.  Prior to the hearing, staff from Denver Community Planning and Development will hold "office hours" on February 9th from 3pm-5pm and February 11 from 11am-2pm at the Webb Municipal Building.

Dovetail Solutions Office Remodel Completed

We are happy to share photos from the completed tenant improvements for Dovetail Solutions offices.  Dovetail Solutions is an amazing PR firm with offices in Denver's LoDo Historic District.  Venture Architecture was hired to design tenant improvements including a new lighting scheme, and select interior finishes such as paint, carpet, and millwork.

Welcome to Our Newest Client, Alpha Sleep

We are very excited to begin working with Alpha Sleep, our newest client.  Currently operating 4 locations in and around the Denver Metro area, Alpha Sleep is a diagnostic center that performs sleep studies to help people with sleeping disorders.  Visit the Alpha Sleep website at:  We would like to thank Alpha Sleep for choosing Venture Architecture!

Kansas Rebuilding Green

Greensource magazine showcases a Studio 804 home built in tornado-ravaged Greensburg, Kansas in its November 2009 Best Green Houses.  The rectilinear design, which resembles a barn, along with the absence of northern facing windows minimizes exposure to wind.  The use of passive-design techniques, solar and wind energy implements that will produce more energy than the home uses, and use of locally reclaimed building materials will make it the first LEED-for-homes project in the Kansas City Metro area.