The Mental Break Between Architect and User

Explaining your architecture to anyone outside the bubble of architecture can be frustrating when you realize that others - including the users of the space - may not necessarily share an equivalent appreciation for or understanding of your space.  Metropolis Magazine conducted a post-occupancy study of Coop Himmelblau's Central Los Angeles High School No. 9 by distributing questionnaires to the students and teachers who use the space every day.  While some biting remarks of the high school students can be disregarded as typical adolescent behavior, some answers can certainly help architects understand how and why an everyday user may see their space in a positive or negative light.  

These types of performance studies are often overlooked and seldom conducted today. "Yet, as the profession drifts further and further away from economic sustainability (or relevance), they may be a key to finding the way back Toward a New Architecture".  Click here to read more on this article.

At Venture Architecture, we strive to eliminate this metal gap between architect and user.  Our mission is to create a space that is not only beautiful and enjoyable, but also functional and cost-effective for our valuable clients.