Hydrogen Fuel Cells in your Computer?

Yes, you read the title correctly... in the near future, will hydrogen fuel cells supply power to our computers and cell phones? According to Apple, most definitely. Recently, the US Patent and Trademark office released a patent, filed by Apple in 2010, to manufacture portable fuel cell recharging stations and an embedded fuel cell inside mobile electronics. The fuel cells would be capable of both providing power and receiving power from a battery. The patent claims the fuel cell technology could power a mobile device for weeks. Weeks! Whether or not this new technology is in the works for Apple, or if it is just an attempt to corner a future market remains to be seen, but the prospects of using your computer for weeks without recharging is very exciting. 

We here at Venture are keeping our fingers crossed for super-efficient computer batteries. Not only will this be much more convenient, but fuel cell technology will cut-down the amount of nasty chemicals and rare earth-metals needed to manufacture computers and cell phones. Let's hope that Apple has good things coming our way!